You are growing up far too quickly for your Mama and Daddy to handle. Your second month of life has been full of milestones and you are becoming more and more fun each day.
You spent a lot of time in the sun this month and you have a little color on your cheeks to prove it. You love to just hang out in your diaper outside, especially since it's been so hot. Mama and Auntie Lindsay had some fun putting sun glasses on you, you didn't love it, but you were a good sport.
We've spent a ton of time outside and we dipped you in the water for the very first time and you initially hated it, but once you got used to it, you were a champ. Uncle Tanner even dipped you in the river one day, which is FREEZING cold, but you had been so hot in the car that you LOVED it! I think you are showing the signs of becoming a water baby.
You love to tell us stories now, sometimes they are sad stories but we still listen.
You love to stick out your tongue and you have even started chewing on it a little with your gums. You love to smile at your Mama and Daddy, and we just eat it right up. You already have us eating out of the palm of your hand, but who wouldn't get sucked in by that face, especially with that double chin of yours?!
You have so many cute new facial expressions and your Daddy loves to bring them out.
You still love to cuddle, not as much as you used to but we'll take all we can get. I sure wish I could fall asleep sitting up.
You look so much like your Dad and it's just the cutest. You even sleep like him when you are outside your swaddler (this photo was shot at 12am after you ate).
We sure do love you little man and we're so excited to see you continue to grow and change. Xoxo!!