Friday, August 7, 2009

Guess What...?

TAYLOR AND I ARE REMODELING A HOUSE IN VICTOR, ID!!! We are so excited that after almost FOUR YEARS of living in Taylor's Mom and Dads house(s) (Thanks Mom & Dad, you are the best), we are going to have a place of our very own come spring!!!! And what's even more fun about all of this is that we get to make it look exactly how we want it and we will get TO TAKE ALL OF OUR WEDDING GIFTS OUT OF THEIR BOXES AND USE THEM!!! It will be like Christmas time! Can you tell I'm excited? We will keep you guys posted with pictures of the remodel as it progresses with OUR NEW CAMERA!!! Taylor and I spent today tearing down more of the drywall and pulling nails out of the studs, fun eh? Not so much, but totally worth it!

Now for a little story about tearing out the drywall. Last week Taylor's Dad was tearing the wall and insulation out around the bathtub and found a cigar box--he's thinking "there is gonna be something cool inside!" He opens the box to reveal a HUGE STACK OF $1 BILLS... Not that great right? So he keeps tearing the walls down and FINDS TWO BANK BAGS FULL OF 20'S, 10'S, 5'S, DOLLAR COINS, AND 50 CENT PIECES!! Pretty rad!!!! Shorty after, Taylor finds a 5th of vodka in the walls (not that we had any use for that) so he, his Dad and his Sister Lauren spent the rest of the day coming up with stories about Don and Faye (those are the names of the previous owners R.I.P) and Lauren came up with this: "Don had a drinking problem, so Faye was stashin the cash." HAH! I love it! They brought the money home and thought there was maybe a 3 hundred bucks, so I counted it--$1200.00 LADIES AND GENTS!!! Just to prove that I'm not making it up, here are a couple photos of what we affectionately named "THE LOOT."


kylie said...

so unfair! i wish we could get cash planted in our walls for our usage! victor idaho, home sweet home. how bout that! what kind of camera did you get? blog me--i havent heard from you in FOREVEr!!!

Trish said...

My parents rebilt their first house.

Hope you say safe working on that house.

Tim, Jennie, Paisley, Claire and Moose said...

That is so rad, easy money just for you.

Brian and Bobbie said...

That is so awesome, I bet it made tearing down the walls a lot funner when you were finding money and boos in the walls!! You guys are going to have so much fun remodeling, maybe not the work part but when it's all done it will be yours the way you want it.

Josh and Krystal said...

That is awesome! I think I am going to start to tear down walls in our house and see what we find. What a great story- I love it. Oh, and Josh wants his cigar box back...